Monday, January 25, 2021

Diary - Test Run 2

Primary objective: test the new running shoes

Secondary objective: test various mental approaches, monitor post-run physical condition

Time: February 6

Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes

Distance: 12,4 km

Terrain: flat, paved roads, covered in a few cm of snow

Weather: dry, -12 degrees C, north wind 6(10) m/s

Primary results:

Fail. New running shoes are unsuitable for the Run, do not match my feet. There's a longer description of the problems with the shoe here

Secondary results:

It was a really good run, otherwise. I normally perspire easily during physical exertion, but due to the cold temperature, there was no perspiration. Also, there were not many other people outside at 9 am. The sun was rising, the forests and villages were gorgeous in their snow cover. I got up in a good mood, made a protein smoothie and got on the way. 

I was originally thinking I would do a 27 km run aronud the peninsula. However, this being a test of the new shoes and having experienced some uncomfortable insole issues the first time I wore them, I decided on two 12,5 km circles instead. I only did one, because my right foot was starting to feel painful.

Everything else was fenomenal, I could easily have gone for circle #2, if not for the shoe problem.

Mentally, I tried reciting mantras and keeping all cognitive activity silenced. Neither worked as well as the approaches I tried alst time - giving the mind some problems to solve or bringing complete focus to within the moment. It's either of those, that I will try on the next test for the entire duration of the run. But I need to give a few days for my right foot to heal now :(

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Test Run 4

Primary objective: test in-run nutrition  Secondary objectives: test night-time running after a full day of being awake, test trail running ...